Information on the pages of this web site that describes the purpose of the charity together with the responsibilities and authority assigned to its trustees has been obtained from historically authentic and extant controlling documents. The information is current at February 2024. The historical account begins in 1752.

What is Barlborough Hospital?

Barlborough Hospital was first established in 1752 and is the name of an unincorporated charity, registered with the Charity Commission (Reg.No: 221552). Four units of accommodation are provided at Chandos Pole House in Barlborough.

The charity is independently managed by volunteer trustees drawn from the local community. Each trustee takes on the role in a personal capacity for an initial term of five years. Trustees may elect from their number a chairman and a clerk.

What do the trustees do?

The trustees manage the assets of the charity to assure its future sustainability to fulfill the purposes set out in the founding Deed executed by Margaret and Mary Pole on 11 Oct 1752. The charity undertakes its role financed through income derived from its assets and investments. Currently, the charity receives no grant funding from any other body. No funds are raised or solicited from public subscription. Bequests would be much appreciated and gratefully received.

The charity provides accommodation for those who meet the criteria first determined by Margaret and Mary Pole, in order to gain benefit from the managed bequests. The accommodation comprises an unfurnished, maintained home within the building, together with some services, for people in need. Residents are Licenced Beneficiaries of the charity.

To contact the trustees by post, write to:

Barlborough Hospital (Almshouses)
Clerk to The Trustees, 36 Wheatsheaf Way, Clowne S43 4FA.

To inquire about the content of this web site by email please complete the form below:

N.B. Inquirers must provide true names as they would appear on a standard UK birth certificate or passport. Avatars or fabricated Usernames such as are common among social media platforms will receive no reply.

This web site has been created to publicise an authentic history of the charity known as Barlborough Hospital. This is to be found in a separate work entitled ‘Inside Chandos Pole House – An exceptional benefaction’, elements of which are included under History 1752-2021.

Disclaimer: This web site is not necessarily endorsed by the current trustee body.

© Copyright David Blackwell (2024) – All rights reserved

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